It is the aim of the City of Bunbury to make information available promptly and at the least possible cost, and whenever possible documents will be provided outside the Freedom of Information process.
Access to public information held by the City of Bunbury does not require a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. There are many documents available on this website such as the Agendas and Minutes of meetings, Town Planning Scheme, Financial and Strategic Plans, Plans and Strategies and Local Laws, for example.
If you cannot find the information you require, please contact the City of Bunbury on 9792 7000 or email records@bunbury.wa.gov.au and ask about specific information you wish to access. You may not need to complete an FOI request.
If information is not routinely available, the Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 gives people a right to access documents of an agency, subject to the sensitivity of the document and the exemptions applied pursuant to the Act. The Act is designed to make State and Local Government more open and accountable to the public by creating a general right of access.
Exemptions for some documents include protection of essential public interest, personal information, commercial or business information, law enforcement, public safety and property security, confidential communications, deliberative processes, legal professional privilege and so on.
There is an application fee of $30 and charges for dealing with the application. However, no fee applies to requests for your own personal information.
All applications require the following information and items to be submitted:
- a completed Freedom of Information application form
- enough detail to enable the requested documents to be identified e.g. property address, subject matter, date range
- an address and contact telephone number
Applications will be acknowledged in writing and you will be notified of the decision within 45 days.
All applications are to be lodged by post addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Bunbury PO Box 21 Bunbury WA 6231 or delivered in person to the City of Bunbury Customer Service Centre, 4 Stephen Street Bunbury.