The City of Bunbury has two Codes of Conduct and a Statement of Business Ethics to prevent misconduct, corruption and fraud.

Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates
The City of Bunbury has adopted the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021 as its Code of Conduct applicable to council members, committee members and candidates*.
The Code provides for:
- Overarching principles to guide behaviour
- Behaviours and complaints which are managed by Local Governments; and
- Rules of conduct, contraventions of which are considered by the independent Local Government Standards Panel where appropriate.
*an individual is considered a candidate when their nomination for election is accepted by a Returning Officer under section 4.49 of the Local Government Act 1995. The Model Code applies to the individual from that point. Any alleged breach of the Model Code may only be addressed if and when the individual is elected as a council member.
Under the Code, complaints regarding alleged breaches of Division 3 of the Code of Conduct by a Council Member, Committee Member or candidate are managed by the local council as the decision-making body of the Local Government.
A complaint about an alleged breach of Division 3 of the Code must be made:
- In writing on the approved form
- To an authorised person (the CEO); and
- Within one month after the occurrence of the alleged breach.
The signed complaint form is to be forwarded to:
Chief Executive Officer
City of Bunbury
PO Box 21, Bunbury WA 6231 or emailed to
Code of Conduct for Employees
Code of Conduct for Employees
The employee Code of Conduct sets out principles and standards of behaviour that employees must observe. The Code includes matters such as:
- Values and requirements in relation to behaviour
- Gifts
- Conflicts of interest and disclosure
- Use of information and resources
- Disclosure of information
- Record keeping
- Report and managing misconduct
The Code must be read in conjunction with the Local Government Act 1995 and other legislation that affect employees while performing their role and duties and the Code does not override or affect those provisions or requirements.
Register of Certain Complaints and Minor Breaches
Pursuant to section 5.121(3) of the Local Government Act 1995, the Chief Executive Officer is to publish an up-to-date version of the register of complaints on the Local Government’s official website. This register records all complaints that result in a finding under section 5.110(2)(a) that a minor breach occurred.
Statement of Business Ethics
The Statement of Business Ethics outlines our expectations of providers of goods and services. It also includes information on the City's commitment to ethical dealings, and what can be expected from us.