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Sandridge Road and Hennessy Road intersection road safety update

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  2. Sandridge Road and Hennessy Road intersection road safety update

Published 15 June 2023

Road users may have noticed important roadworks happening at the Sandridge Road and Hennessy Road intersection. Your safety is a priority for us, and we have been working on making this intersection safer. 

The City of Bunbury has received Blackspot funding to make necessary alterations to the intersection which has seen a number of crashes occur. 

As part of the works, we have closed the thoroughfare on Hennessy Road and are in the process of constructing a slip lane on Sandridge Road.  

These changes are based on recommendations from an independent road safety audit, which identified the need to address the proximity between Hennessy Road and Sandridge Road. 

The works are currently underway and are expected to be completed by 30 June. 

Access to and from Sandridge Road will still be available through the entrance adjacent to 7 Hennessy Road. 

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this project. Your safety on the roads is of utmost importance to us.  

If you wish to discuss the project please contact Cameron Scott, Coordinator Engineering Design on phone 9792 7391 or if you wish to make a written submission email by 30 June 2023.

Stay tuned for more updates on road safety initiatives in Bunbury!