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Bin lid tactile shapes available

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  2. Bin lid tactile shapes available

Published 20 May 2024

City of Bunbury is the first Local Government in Western Australia to have bin lid tactile shapes available to help residents who are visually impaired.

The discreet clear plastic symbols are secured to the tops of each bin allowing residents to feel the tactile symbol and identify whether it is a bin with a green, yellow, or red lid.

This will then allow them to know which bin to place the three different types of waste into.

The symbols are:

๐Ÿ”บ triangle = recycling

๐ŸŸข circle = FOGO waste

๐ŸŸฆ square = general waste

Each bin is also fitted with a star symbol letting the waste truck driver know to make sure they place the bin in the exact same spot as it was prior to emptying.

Our Waste Education Officer and Access and Inclusion Officer recently met with members from Visibility who were pleased the City was offering the service.

To have the symbols installed on your bin lids please email with your name, contact details and location or please call the Waste Services team on 9792 7333.