The City recognises that the more diverse and inclusive the community, the richer it will become and that most members of the community will face access and inclusion challenges at some time in their lives.
Access and inclusion may present challenges for:
- people with physical, sensory, psychiatric and intellectual disabilities
- people from diverse cultural backgrounds
- people of all ages, including infants and the elderly
- residents and visitors
To ensure that all City of Bunbury residents can participate in and contribute to the community, the City of Bunbury Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2023-2028 has been developed to help us achieve this.
Disability, Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 to 2028
The Disability Services Act 1993 requires public authorities to review their Disability Access and Inclusion Plan’s (DAIPs) at least every five years.
DAIPs assist public authorities to plan and implement improvements to access and inclusion across seven outcome areas, regarding services and events, buildings and facilities, information, quality of service, complaints, consultation processes and employment.
These plans benefit people with disability, the elderly, young parents and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Disability Access and Inclusion Committee
Find out more via the Committees page.
For a truly inclusive and accessible community, all levels of government, community members and non-government agencies need to be involved in the process. The City of Bunbury Disability Access and Inclusion Committee plays a key role in the development, monitoring and review of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.
Co-Design Access Panel (CoDAP)
The City’s Co-Design Access Panel (CoDAP) comprises of people with a lived experience of disability as well as industry professionals to assist the City with the design of its buildings, facilities and open spaces.
The CoDAP will work together to ensure we are exceeding community expectations in relation to disability access and inclusion.
The role of a panel member is be to be available on an as needs basis to provide advice and insights on the design of buildings, facilities and open spaces from an accessibility and inclusivity perspective that may not necessarily be covered by the current Australian Standards.
Communication Boards
The City has some free downloadable Communication Boards for events, for more information please click on the link below.
The City of Bunbury has tactile symbols that can help people who are blind or have low vision to identify their different bins.
The discreet clear plastic symbols are secured to the tops of your bins allowing you to feel the tactile symbol and identify whether it is a bin with a green, yellow, or red lid.
The symbols are:
- triangle = recycling
- circle = FOGO waste
- square = general waste
To find out more or to order one please visit our Request Bin Lid Tactile Symbols page or phone 9792 7333.
A Changing Place is a secure and clean bathroom specifically designed for people who need space and assistance to manage their personal care while in the community and for whom universal access toilets are not suitable.
The City of Bunbury’s Changing Place is located at Koombana Bay Beach on Anchorage Cove, on the southern eastern corner of the Hello Summer kiosk building. . Details of the Koombana and other Changing Places across Australia can be found here
Access to the City of Bunbury’s Changing Place is via a Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK). Eligible people and organisations can request a MLAK via Changing Places.
The City of Bunbury has a spare key available to eligible users for day use Monday to Friday which can be picked up from the administration building (8.30am to 5pm) an alternative key is also available from the Visitor Centre at the Bunbury Musuem (click here for opening hours and contact information). There is no charge to borrow the spare key however you will need to register your details with photo ID. Phoning ahead is recommended – if you wish to access the spare key on the weekend please call us.
There is an accessible parking bay 15m directly opposite the Changing Place and another two within 45m in the same car park behind the kiosk. There is an additional five accessible parking bays within 350m of the Changing Place located in the eastern car park towards the Dolphin Discovery Centre which has a continuous accessible path of travel to the Changing Place.
Bunbury’s Changing Place contains the following equipment:
- Ceiling hoist – Guldmann GH3 ceiling hoist. Only a lifting sling with four to six lifting straps designed for mounting on hooks should be used.
- Change table – Ropox shower and changing bed (adult sized and height adjustable).
Please note: slings (disposable or otherwise) are not provided in Changing Places.
The City of Bunbury houses two beach wheelchairs available for public use at a locked storage area located next to the Kiosk. One enables users to directly enter the water in the wheelchair and the other is a Beach Trekker wheelchair.
To access the beach wheelchairs partrons can pick up a key to the beach wheelchair storage shed from the Bunbury Visitor Centre locations at Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre, 1 Arthur Street or City of Bunbury Administration Building, 4 Stephen Street Bunbury.
Please visit Bunbury Visitor Centre for more information and opening hours or phone 9792 7205.
The Dolphin Discovery Centre located in Koombana Bay also has beach wheelchairs available for public use, please visit the centre or call 9791 3088 for more information.
For security reasons patrons will be required to sign out and provide their contact details and sign in when they return the key.
Beach matting and an accessible ramp allow for ease of passage down to the beach. There is also accessible and wheelchair friendly barbecues, seating and water fountains at the popular foreshore precinct.
The City also has access to a Freedom Trax – a device that fits on to a wheelchair to enable the user to access areas which may have been inaccessible such as sand and trail.
To book please contact the City of Bunbury Community Development Officer – Inclusion on 9792 7215 or salexander@bunbury.wa.gov.au
The Dolphin Discovery Centre in Bunbury also has beach wheelchairs available for use.
Dedicated ACROD bays have been set aside in most car parks for people with mobility disabilities. Only vehicles clearly displaying a valid ACROD permit can park in an ACROD bay.
Should the permit holder park elsewhere they can park in a bay for twice the time permitted and they are not required to purchase a parking ticket when parking on the street or in a car park.