As part of Christmas in the City and the Summer Lovin' program of events, the City of Bunbury will be hosted its inaugural Christmas Lights Competition presented by Ben Colman Elders Real Estate.
Registrations closed 27 November with judging having taken place on 2 December.
The 2024 Christmas Lights Competition winners are...

Congratulations to Peter and Glen Mongan of 7 Oates Close, Usher!
Thank you to everyone who entered the competition this year, the judges were blown away by the creativity and festive spirit show by all entrants.
2024 Christmas Light Competition Finalists

Competition Guidelines
- Entrants into the Christmas Lights Competition will be deemed as having read the full terms and conditions before entry.
- The Christmas Lights Competition is run by the City of Bunbury in partnership with Ben Colman, Elders Real Estate and is open to all residents within the Council boundaries.
- The competition will open on 25 October 2024, and entries must be received by the closing date, 25 November 2024, before 5pm.
- No entries will be accepted after the closing date.
- Application forms will be made available online from the City of Bunbury’s website www.bunbury.wa.gov.au
- Any entrant who requires assistance with the online application form can call the City of Bunbury and speak to one of the Place Activation Officers.
- Only one application will be accepted per household.
- Entry to the City of Bunbury’s Christmas Lights Competition is free.
- Applications that are not eligible for the Christmas Lights Competition include: Displays belonging to the judging panel, sponsors, Elected Members, City of Bunbury staff, or their immediate families, displays which are nominated, but whose owner does not wish to participate in the competition.
- This competition is open to all residents being owners and or occupants of a property within the City of Bunbury’s boundaries.
- To enter the competition the property must be decorated with festive lights and decorations that are clearly visible from the street front.
- Entrants must not use the footpath, electricity poles, or any other property outside their boundary, for any purpose of their display.
- To enable professional photography for voting purposes, entrants must have their lights installed by the 2 December 2024.
- Entrants are required to have their light displays illuminated for viewing by the judging panel and photographer, between 7.30pm and 10.30pm from Monday 2 December – Wednesday 4 December 2024, inclusive.
- Properties where the lights are not illuminated during this time, and the photographer is not able to obtain suitable images, will be disqualified from the voting pool.
- Entrants are responsible for all costs associated with their display.
- Participants agree to have their property address, name and photographs of their decorated display publicly communicated on the City of Bunbury’s and (sponsor’s) website and other promotional platforms, generated by the City of Bunbury and sponsor.
- The judging panel comprises of: City of Bunbury Mayor, City of Bunbury CEO, Ben Colman, Sarah-Jane Bilston and Peter Wright.
- The judging panel will select the winners against the following areas:
- First impression – creativity, design, layout, theme
- Decorations – use of colour, form of creation, variety of repetition, sound
- Sustainable features
- The judging panel will view the properties from 2 to 4 December 2024 between 7.30pm and 10.30pm.
- The judge’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
- A total of $1000 cash will be awarded to the Best Overall Display
- Top 3 houses will be contacted by a member of the Place Activation Team between 4 to 6 December and provided with exact details as to when the announcement will be made at 2024 Christmas in the City event.
- The winner will be announced during the stage program at the Christmas in the City event, on the 8 December 2024.
- The misuse of electricity can cause injury or death. Entrants must not use any indoor lighting or products outdoors and must comply with the safety instructions on all electrical products used.
- Inspections by qualified electricians to check safety of the entrant’s display are highly recommended and will be the responsibility and at the expense of each entrant.
- Entrants need to consider the impact of their display and act accordingly to minimise any risk that can cause harm to traffic or pedestrians.
- Entrants are not to use the footpath, electricity poles or any property outside of their property boundary for any purpose of their display.
- The Christmas Lights Competition is designed to encourage community participation and the spirit of giving and sharing. Entrants agree to enter the competition in the spirit in which it was intended and act accordingly.
1. First Impression
- Visual appeal: How well does the display use lights to create a visually pleasing effect?
- Creativity: Is the display unique and imaginative?
- Decorations: Are all elements (lights, inflatables, figurines) consistent with the chosen theme?
2. Design | Colour | Sound
- Use of space: How effectively is the space utilised within the available area?
- Brightness: Is the brightness effective without being overwhelming?
- Colour Scheme: Effective use of colour scheme, while maintaining a consistent look?
- Sound: Is the sound in sync with the theme?
3. Community Engagement
- Photo opportunities: Does the display include selfie pods or a photo wall backdrop?
- Interactive elements: Are there any interactive elements within the display?
- Characters: Are there any real-life characters engaging with the community?
4. Sustainability
- Energy-efficient lights: Use of LED lights?
- Recycled materials: The use of recycled materials?
Originally from the East Coast, Ben moved to his wife’s home state of Western Australia in early 2020.
Several years on, they have settled comfortably into Bunbury, now with two young children and a small group of great friends. They are active members of the local community through involvement in library events, the Bunbury Chess Club, Dreambuilders Church and Parkrun attendance.
Building upon more than 20 years in sales, media and marketing, Ben has merged his background as a business owner with a passion for real estate. He is committed to helping clients at every stage of the journey, including complementary styling and recommendations for home preparation.