The City of Bunbury is responsible for identifying and protecting heritage places so that current and future generations can enjoy a rich and diverse cultural environment and gain an understanding of what came before them.
Heritage List
The City of Bunbury’s Heritage List is comprised of close to 200 places, which Council has assessed as being of cultural heritage significance and worthy of conservation. The objectives of the Heritage List are to facilitate the conservation of places of heritage value and ensure that development occurs with due regard to identified heritage values in the interest of the community.
View the City of Bunbury Heritage List below
Important Note
Some places on the heritage list are registered as part of a larger site. Please check the City's mapping system to confirm current address details and heritage status, along with the above heritage list.
Heritage Areas
The City of Bunbury currently has one heritage area.
This is where special planning control has been is needed to conserve and enhance the cultural heritage significance and character of an area. Heritage Areas often include individually listed places, but even places not significant enough to go on the Heritage List in their own right can contribute to the significance of a heritage area.
View East Bunbury Heritage Area below.
Both heritage listed properties and heritage areas can be found on the City's maps under the inherit module. Information of heritage places can be found on the City’s mapping system or through inHerit and is based on the Local Heritage Survey (LHS).
Development of a heritage-protected property
Places on the Heritage List or in a Heritage Area enjoy special protection under the local planning scheme. Heritage listings and areas do not prohibit any development of a place - it means that any changes sought should respect and be sympathetic to the heritage values of the place.
In most circumstances, development within these places requires planning approval so that the City can assess the impact of a proposal on the heritage significance of a particular place and ensure that this principle is met.
The assessment will consider:
- The objectives and provisions of the planning scheme
- State Planning Policy 3.5 - Historic Heritage Conservation
- Any applicable local planning policies, including - LPP 6.1: Heritage Conservation and Development and LPP 6.2: Heritage Listing, Assessment and Concessions
- The specific attributes and significance of the place
- The Burra Charter 2013.
Those places listed on the State Register of Heritage Places will also be referred by the City to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
As part of the planning application process and prior to the approval of any proposal for the development of a heritage listed place, the City may prepare or require the applicant to prepare a heritage assessment in accordance with Local Planning Policy: 6.2 Heritage Listing, Assessment and Concessions.
If you require additional information about heritage listings, contact the City Planning Team on 9792 7000 or email info@bunbury.wa.gov.au
Local Heritage Survey (LHS)
The Local Heritage Survey (LHS) (previously called the Municipal Heritage Inventory or ‘MHI’) is an information database that records and provides information on heritage listed places and places of cultural heritage significance.
Local governments are required to prepare and maintain a LHS to recognise the heritage importance of places to the local community under the Heritage Act 2018.
The database records information only and does not have any legal implications for the development of land within the City of Bunbury: protection and control only applies to those places which are also included on the Heritage List, in a Heritage Area or are otherwise assessed as warranting conservation. Information from the LHS database can be accessed online through the State Heritage Office's Inherit.
Search the City of Bunbury Local Heritage Survey
The cultural heritage significance of places on the LHS have been determined in accordance with the Heritage Act 2018.
This assessment is made based on the aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value of a place for individuals or groups as described in the Burra Charter 2013 or the HERCON Criteria adopted by the Heritage Council of Western Australia.
Each place listed on the LHS is assigned a management category based on its level of significance: 'Exceptional', 'Considerable' or 'Some/Moderate' significance. A summary of each category is provided below.
Level of Significance | Description | Management Category |
Exceptional Significance (Category 1) | Essential to the heritage of the locality. Rare or outstanding example | The place should be retained and conserved unless there is no feasible and prudent alternative to doing otherwise. Any alterations or extensions should reinforce the significance of the place and be in accordance with a Conservation Plan (if one exists for the place). |
Considerable Significance (Category 2) | Very important to the heritage of the locality. High degree of integrity/authenticity. | Conservation of the place is highly desirable. Any alterations or extensions should reinforce the significance of the place. |
Some/Moderate Significance (Category 3) | Contributes to the heritage of the locality. Has some altered or modified elements, not necessarily detracting from the overall significance of the item. | Conservation of the place is desirable. Any alterations or extensions should reinforce the significance of the place and original fabric should be retained wherever feasible. |
Limited - Historic Record Only (Category 4) | Does not fulfil the criteria for entry in the local Heritage List. | Photographically record prior to major development or demolition. Recognise and interpret the site if possible. |
Heritage Places in categories 1,2 and 3 are recommended for inclusion in the City’s Heritage List, as per LPP 6.2: Heritage Listing, Assessment and Concessions.
Technical Guides
The Heritage Council has a number of resources which provide guidance on developing and maintaining heritage places:
- How to Develop and Maintain Heritage Places.
We encourage owners wanting to make changes to their heritage properties to contact the City as early as possible to discuss their proposals, and to confirm whether or not approvals are required, and how they might best go about achieving good heritage as well as personal outcomes.
If you require additional information about heritage listings, contact the City Planning Team on 9792 7000 or email info@bunbury.wa.gov.au
Providing Heritage Services
- Administrating the preparation, implementation and review of ‘heritage agreements’, ‘heritage conservation notices’, conservation management plans and heritage local planning policies in accordance with legislative requirements.
- Providing executive support to the City of Bunbury Heritage Advisory Committee
- Providing a comprehensive heritage advisory service to and on behalf of the organisation
- Coordinating the City of Bunbury Heritage Awards Program
- Coordinating the City of Bunbury Heritage Forum