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Infrastructure Project Updates – December

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Published 05 December 2024

The City has a plethora of infrastructure projects currently happening across Bunbury. These are in addition to our everyday work such as parks and reserves maintenance, waste, asset maintenance, and more. You can also check out our projects page here, for updates on some of the bigger project updates. Here’s this month’s snapshot of what’s in the works!

🥳 Projects completed in November 🥳

As a part of the City’s ongoing work to provide safe and connected communities, works to extend the path between Cousins Avenue and Parade Road on Cranbrook Way has been completed.

Construction of the carpark at Forrest Park Pavilion is complete. Landscape works are continuing, as we get closer to final completion of this entire precinct. Find out more about this project here.

🚧 Current projects in progress 🚧

As part of the broader Frank Buswell Foreshore precinct upgrades, landscaping is currently underway.  Read more about the entire foreshore upgrades here. Also, part of these foreshore precinct upgrades, the design work to renew and improve the drainage network at Creek Street is currently in the programming stage.

Widening and reseal works on Parade Road between Washington Avenue and Lilydale Road are in progress. Earthworks have been complete, and asphalt is scheduled for mid-December.

Local Area Traffic Management and reseal works along Austral Parade are partially complete, further improving this popular route for road users and the local community. Traffic calming platforms are also planned for this area in the coming months.

Tender evaluation is underway for the design and construction of the next stage of the Boulters Heights boardwalk and staircase upgrades, extending the staircase to Picton Way. Check out the Boulters Heights master plan here.

At South West Sports Centre, the requests for tender continue to be advertised as part of procurement for the pool liner replacement project, and works to replace the PA system, and an air conditioning unit that services the creche continue.

The City continues to upgrade power operations at Stirling Street Arts Centre to meet the electricity demand of the centre including pottery studio, shed, outdoor area and to cater for events. This project is expected to be completed in March 2025.

At Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre, works are continuing to replace an air conditioning unit and along with maintenance work on the fire system.

Upgraded lighting has been installed at Koombana Bay’s iconic Wardandi Boodja sculpture, as part of improvements to the City’s artworks.

Aspart of the City’s ongoing work to improve our road infrastructure to ensure safe and efficient travel for residents and visitors alike, reseal and path renewal works are underway at Fielder Street between Joseph Buswell Road and Spencer Street in South Bunbury.

While reseal works on Bussell Highway between Nuytsia Avenue and Brittain Road have been complete, with another section between Brittain Road and Robertson Drive to be done in February 2025.

Following a somewhat soft opening, work at Hands Oval is continuing with the first-floor officials’ area, public toilets, and camera deck, along with player dug outs being finished. Work is expected to be completed by 20 December – that’s two weeks away!

Implementation of the City’s Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP) continues, with recent key progress including the award of a contractor to undertake a Coastal Protection Structure Audit, the start of stakeholder mapping, and collaboration with key stakeholders. The City and Department of Transport were also recently awarded a joint grant through the Disaster Ready Fund to upgrade our storm surge barrier channel structures.

The Sustainability and Environmental Action Plan was endorsed by Bunbury City Council last month, outlining actions to implement the City’s Sustainability and Environmental Strategy. The strategy provides desired outcomes, objectives, and targets for both the organisation and community, with the overarching goal of achieving sustainable outcomes to meet the needs of current and future generations.

One of the strategy’s key targets for the City is to reach corporate net zero emissions by 2040 and aspire for 2035. The action plan provides high priority actions that have been assessed for their desirability, feasibility and viability and are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART). Check out the action plan here.

Waterfront public art installation continues with Andrew Frazer Designs (in collaboration with Jake Coghlan and Peter Jago) working on the Jetty Baths sculptures that will book-end Jetty Baths Park. Check out a sneak peek here. This is an extensive project, with work expected to start mid-2025.

As part of the City’s fleet replacement program under its Asset Management Plan, we are awaiting registration and delivery of one operational utility from the 2023-24 financial year.

Other replacement works currently underway for the 2024-25 financial year include two waste truck side loaders on order, expected to arrive mid-2025 and the procurement processes are underway for corporate heavy plant and vehicles.

We are continuing to rollout replacement bin enclosures across the city. New, nicer-looking bin enclosures are replacing the outdated infrastructure. While the City’s annual municipal bin replacements are ongoing as part of normal maintenance for residents, when they need it.

👷‍♀️ Projects starting in December 👷‍♂️

The path expansion at Cousins Avenue between Crampton Avenue and Cranbrook Way in Usher is expected to start this month.