Request to Make a Deputation
In order to make a deputation to an item on the Agenda, an individual or a representative of a group of people can make a request for deputation at the Ordinary Council Meeting by completing a Request for Deputation to Address Council form. This form should be received no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting and can be submitted via email records@bunbury.wa.gov.au or handed in at the front counter of the administration building.
Register for Public Question Time
Questions of the Council, on any subject within the Council's jurisdiction or with regard to a matter on the Agenda, can be asked at an Ordinary Council Meeting and a Public Question Time - Council Meetings application form is to be completed. Complex questions requiring research should be submitted five working days prior to the Council Meeting using the form. Basic questions can be lodged up until 12pm on the Monday immediately prior to the Ordinary Council Meeting.
For questions to be taken on notice, not requiring an answer on the night, this form can be submitted up to 4pm on the day of the meeting. Questions should be submitted via records@bunbury.wa.gov.au
People are also welcome to contact councillors in relation to any community issues they may have.
How to Lodge a Petition
In order to lodge a petition to the Council the petition must concern a matter over which the Bunbury City Council has jurisdiction. A petition is to be tabled at a Council meeting by a Councillor. Persons wishing to submit a petition to the Council will need to contact a Councillor and request that they table the petition on their behalf.