The City of Bunbury offers a wide range of free educational services, designed to complement our Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) initiatives.
We aim to have our City by the sea recognised as a leader in the WARR on waste; to become a sustainable, low-waste, circular economy in which human health and the environment are protected from the impacts of waste.
Check out the resources below to find out more about our programs and for tips to live more sustainably.

The City of Bunbury has partnered with the Keep Australia Beautiful (KABC) in support of the Adopt-a-Spot program.
Do you feel frustrated by seeing litter lying around your street, park or local beach? Then why not adopt that spot and volunteer to help keep your spot litter-free.
Individuals, community groups, businesses or school communities can volunteer with the Adopt-a-Spot program and contribute to a cleaner environment.
You receive free resources to help, insurance cover if you need it and an Adoption Certificate.
For more information about the Adopt-a-Spot program please visit Adopt-a-Spot

Three Bins with a Baby Workshops
Our Managing Your Three Bins with a Baby workshop morning teas are the perfect way to find out more about modern cloth nappies and managing waste with small children.
Topics covered include:
- Tips on managing your waste and three bins with small children.
- Advice on correctly disposing of common baby products
- Provide helpful information on alternatives to single use plastic baby products
- Learn about the different styles and information on storing and washing cloth nappies.
Families from surrounding local government areas are more than welcome to take part. All attendees are eligible for a free gift and discount codes. We will let you know when our next workshop will be held.
To find out when our next workshop is taking place please visit Eventbrite

Waste Education for Schools
Early Childhood Incursions
This incursion teaches early childhood students about waste through a variety of fun and interactive games and stories, plus a visit from our bin mascots Freddy FOGO or Reggie Recycling.
Primary School Incursions
This incursion teaches students about waste through a variety of fun and interactive games developed by Recycle Right and West Metro Recycling Centre.
The games can be adjusted for age groups to make them more/less challenging. Each session begins and ends with a summary to consolidate student learning.
This program took out the Community Waste Award and Local Government Award at the 2022 WasteSorted Awards.
Secondary School Incursions
Incursions investigate the issue of waste and impacts landfill have on our environment.
Students will identify the importance of reducing and correctly sorting waste by recycling and composting and learn about how to reduce the amount of waste we produce daily. Incursions can be tailored to suit the classes requesting the session.
General Waste Education
Our waste eduction team can help with any waste-related queries and suggest activities and resources for your school.
Waste Audits
Assistance is available to schools wishing to conduct a waste audit, including tarps, buckets, tongs and scales.
Email wasteeducation@bunbury.wa.gov.au for more information.