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City of Bunbury

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4 Stephen Street, Bunbury, WA, 6230

08 9792 7000

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Hard and Green Waste Collections

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  4. Hard and Green Waste Collections

Please see updated dates for every suburb below. The calendar and map are also available via this link. You can also refer to your My 3 Bins app.

  • Area B: Bunbury (north of Mangles Street), East Bunbury and Pelican Point – week of 24 February (waste can go out from this Monday, 10 February).
  • Area A: South Bunbury (south of Mangles Street), Usher and Withers – week of 3 March (waste can go out from 17 February).
  • Area C: Carey Park, College Grove, Glen Iris, Picton and Vittoria Heights – unchanged from week of 10 March (waste can go out from 24 February).

A reminder that an infringement may apply if waste is left on verges outside of these dates.

The City of Bunbury provides twice annual hard and green waste collections for residents.

Green waste items we collect:

  • Tree and shrub prunings up to 1.5m in length
  • Lawn clippings
  • Leaves
  • Logs and stumps (less than 200mm in diameter)

Items we don’t collect:

  • Branches over 1.5m long
  • Logs over 200mm in diameter
  • Sand and soil
  • Treated timber
  • Clippings in plastic bags
  • Palms and palm leaves

Hard waste items we collect:

  • Whitegoods e.g. fridges, stoves (please detach doors from fridges and freezers)
  • Furniture
  • General junk such as old lawn mowers and barbecues
  • Treated timber
  • Old carpet
  • E-Waste (any household item with a plug, battery or cord)

Please note:

Fridges must have their doors removed for safety.

Please separate E-Waste, whitegoods and general hard waste for easy collection.

Items we don’t collect:

  • Building materials such as bricks, rubble, sand, concrete or cement
  • Motor vehicle parts or tyres
  • Asbestos or fibre cement products
  • Fence panels
  • Flammable or chemical liquids (including paint and oil)*
  • Green waste
  • Gas bottles
  • Commercial crates/pallets
  • Mattresses

Non-compliant items will be left and the resident will be responsible for the removal and correct disposal of these items. A letter from the City of Bunbury will be placed in your letter box explaining why the items were left behind and advice on how to dispose of them.

Updated Green and Hard Waste Collection Dates

For green and hard waste collection dates including your three bins collection dates please refer to the calendar below. Note that only Hard Waste collection dates for Area A and Area B have been revised.