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City of Bunbury

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4 Stephen Street, Bunbury, WA, 6230

08 9792 7000

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Greening Bunbury

To remain sustainable and liveable into the future, the City is prioritising its greening.

Greening refers to the practice of increasing and improving the resilience and amount of vegetation in a city.  This vegetation is known as the Urban Forest.

Currently, Bunbury has a canopy cover of 13.7 per cent which is well below the West Australian average of 20 per cent.

The vision for the Greening Bunbury plan is:

“Nuture and grow our existing urban forest to contribute to the health and wellbeing of our community, and create a liveable City for future generations”.


Key target of a 10 per cent increase in canopy cover over 20 years

Aspirational target of a 20 per cent increase in canopy cover over 20 years.

Greening Bunbury Plan