The Regional Animal Facility (RAF) is our facility that we use to temporarily accommodate those pets we find wandering the streets. We generally only impound pets that are not registered as we always prefer to get them home.
The RAF can also be used in the event of a natural disaster or emergency (like fire or storm) to temporarily house pets when the owners have been evacuated to centres for their safety. We work in partnership with agencies like SAFE, BARRC, Dog Refuge, Cat Haven and the RSPCA to ensure the animals welfare is always our number one priority.
Any pet that is not registered, and no owner can be located, will be re-homed using one of the above agencies following three days in our facility. Owners of registered pets will be informed in writing and provided seven days before we consider re-homing.
All pets who leave the RAF are required by law to be microchipped, registered, and sterilised for cats more than six months. These costs associated with this plus the cost for impounding the animal will be forwarded onto the owner.
The City of Bunbury recommends getting these things done as soon as you get your new pet, and you are confident it has found its forever home. We also recommends buying your pet from a recognised re-homing agency as the pet will be matched to your personality and be fully compliant and health checked.
Wandering livestock
Livestock owners may receive an infringement and be responsible for any cost associated with their animals being impounded. Owners of livestock within the City of Bunbury must ensure fences and gates are capable are of containing livestock within the property boundaries. If livestock stray onto public or private land and are deemed to have caused a traffic accident, the owners may be liable for any resultant damages.

Unwanted Pets
It is important to note that the City of Bunbury Regional Animal Facility is not an option for people who want to surrender unwanted pets. The City receives numerous requests for this service and simply does not have the capacity to perform this function.
Make your decisions carefully before you purchase a new family member. It is not the animal’s fault if it doesn’t fit in. Specific breeds fit specific environments, so we recommend quality research before you decide on a pet. Online sellers are not recommended as you can not trust the health and treatment of these animals, and this is the very reason for the new Stop Puppy Farming legislation.
Make your purchases from reputable breeders and re-homing agencies and generally they will take the animal back if you find it is not the right fit. Please help stop the cycle and empty our pounds.
As all dogs and cats without owners are referred to re-homing agencies for assessment anyway, it is practical that community members and pet owners contact these agencies directly if they can no longer care for their pet. The contacts are detailed below:
• Save Animals From Euthanasia (SAFE): SAFE Bunbury | Bunbury WA | Facebook
• Bunbury Animal Rescue Rehome Care (BARRC): BARRC - Home | Facebook
• Shenton Park Dog Refuge: Dogs' Refuge Home – Rescue is the best breed! (dogshome.org.au)
• Cat Haven: Cat Haven: Cat and kittens for sale - Adoption, Foster, Rescue a Cat – Cathaven_Perth
The City of Bunbury will not accept any pets that are aggressive. We recommend that if your pet is aggressive or reactive, you take your pet to a vet for assessment or contact the RSPCA for further advice.