WALGA Climate Change Declaration
In 2022, Bunbury Mayor Jaysen Miguel signed the Western Australian Local Government Association Declaration on Climate Change, recognising the significance of climate change and Bunbury City Council’s role in driving a successful climate response.
Council Policy on Climate Change
The Policy ensures the City is committed to reducing greenhouse emissions and implementing appropriate climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for our community.
Council Policy on Sustainability
The Policy provides a definition and model of sustainability and provides sustainability principles to guide decision-making and prompt consideration of sustainability across all areas of the organisation.
Sustainability and Environmental Strategy
The Strategy’s purpose is to support the community’s vision and aspirations for a more sustainable Bunbury. It provides objectives and targets for both the organisation and community, with the overarching goal of achieving sustainable outcomes to meet the needs of current and future generations.
The Strategy has eight key focus areas, including governance, energy and emissions, sustainable water, circular economy and waste, sustainable transport and urban infrastructure, greening and biodiversity, climate resilience and community, culture and wellbeing.
It was also developed thanks to invaluable feedback from our community through several engagement sessions such as workshops, an online survey and as part of the advertising period.
Sustainability and Environmental Action Plan
The Action Plan provides the City with operational actions to support the achievement of the desired outcomes, targets and objectives outlined in the City’s Sustainability and Environmental Strategy 2023-2028.
It is intended that the action plan is flexible and reviewed and updated annually to ensure it reflects the changing environment of the City, community priorities, the broader region, emerging technologies and the latest climate science.
Climate Action and Sustainability Working Group
The City established a Climate Action and Sustainability Working Group in 2024 to provide a forum for community representatives, community groups, local organisations, Council Members and City officers to focus on sustainability issues and opportunities; and contribute community ideas and information to support the City’s direction on sustainability and climate action.