The City’s Environmental Health team works to manage public health risks to the community to ensure a high standard of environmental and public health is maintained throughout the City.
Public health services are provided across a range of areas such as food safety, mosquito management, accommodation, pollution, air and water quality, street trading and alfresco dining.
All fees and charges relating to Environmental Health can be found below.
If you are experiencing a problem with odour, smoke, rodents or other public health issues, please complete the below Environmental Health Complaint form for an Environmental Health Officer to investigate.
Note: If the complaint is relating to a property owned by the Department of Housing or Department of Communities, please contact them directly to lodge your complaint.
Report an issue
To report a pollution matter relating to sewage, odour, smoke, dust, illegal disposal (ground/waterways) please visit the City of Bunbury Community Portal.
Health and Wellbeing
The City has developed its first Community Health and Wellness Plan.
The Plan was developed in consultation with stakeholders and the community and provides a strategic focus for community health and wellness related priorities for the City from 2021 – 2026.