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08 9792 7190

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Hero image for Gabriel Evans: Picture Book Workshop  [Session 1: 5-10yrs]

Gabriel Evans: Picture Book Workshop [Session 1: 5-10yrs]

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  5. Gabriel Evans: Picture Book Workshop [Session 1: 5-10yrs]

Published 26 February 2024, updated 12 April 2024

Join us for a picture book workshop with talented local artist, Gabriel Evans.

Join talented local artist, Gabriel Evans for a hands-on informative experience!

This fun and interactive workshop with local children’s picture book author and illustrator shares the process of making heartfelt and humorous stories using a visual approach.

In this session you will explore:

  • Character design
  • Creating an illustration
  • Developing picture book ideas
  • Interpreting text visually

There are two sessions available to cater for different age ranges.

Gabriel Evans is an Australian children's book author and illustrator with ten years experience giving talks and workshops in schools and libraries around WA and NSW.

Learn more about Gabriel Evans


* Spaces are limited, and bookings are essential.

* Children must be aged between 5 and 10 years old to attend this event. See session 2 for children aged 8 -16yrs.

* Children under 12 years must be supervised by an adult.

* Refunds are not available.

* Please contact us on 9792 7190 if you are no longer able to attend this session after booking. This enables others to attend in your absence.