Ancestry Library Edition
Ancestry Library Edition is a huge subscription database, similar to the Ancestry.com, which you can use to trace your ancestors. It consists of thousands of smaller databases and it’s free to use on our public computers.
Some of the databases available on Ancestry Library Edition include:
- Australian electoral rolls 1856-1980
- WA passenger lists, 1852-1930
- Australian convict index, 1788-1868
- UK birth, marriage & death indexes, 1837-2005
- UK outgoing passenger lists, 1890-1960
- New Zealand electoral rolls, 1853-1981
Examples of the types of records available include birth, marriage and death records, census records, immigration records, directories, convict records, land records and more. You can discover when and where someone was born, married or died, what they did for a living, where and with whom they were living at a particular time and when they travelled to a particular place and on what ship.
Ancestry Library Edition is only available on our public computers. Access to our public computers is free with your library membership, you just need to bring your library card to login.
Other family history resources are available from the State Library of Western Australia, visit http://www.slwa.wa.gov.au/explore-discover/family-history for more information.
Some of the databases available online via the State Library of WA’s eResource page include:
- Encyclopedia Britannica Library Edition Online
- TumbleBook Library
- Health and Wellness Resource Center (Gale)
- Ancestry Library edition (for use within the Library only)