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South West Sports Centre


Employment Opportunities

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We’re always looking for passionate people who are dedicated to excellent customer service and quality programs and services to join the South West Sports Centre Team.

Casual Positions: Register on the City of Bunbury Talent Pool for upcoming casual positions.

Permanent Positions: Permanent Position vacancies will also be advertised on the City of Bunbury Recruitment Hub.

Work Experience: If you would like to be considered for work experience at the South West Sport Centre (SWSC) please submit an expression of interest via the City of Bunbury recruitment website for Work Experience​​ at SWSC.​

Work Experience Eligibility:

  • Current student
  • Vocational placement
  • Part of an accredited program / Government or Not for Profit group

Please refrain from contacting the SWSC directly. All work experience requests must come through the People and Safety Department at City of Bunbury to be considered.

We accept requests from education institutions such as universities, colleges, and schools as well as general requests. Please note successful placements will require the applicant to supply proof of insurance coverage before they can commence.

If you have any queries, please contact the City of Bunbury on 9792 7000.